Rapid Palatal Expander


The Banded Rapid Palatal Expander, or RPE, is an appliance that is used to widen the roof of a patient’s mouth–thereby expanding the upper jaw.  The banded RPE consists of stainless steel bands that are affixed to the first molars and an expansion mechanism that sits in the midline of the palate (roof of the mouth).

The Rapid Palate Expander may feel like a lot of metal in your mouth, but it is usually only worn for about 6 to 9 months to efficiently expand the palate, widen the jaw, to prevent overcrowding, and correct the bite. This oral appliance is generally used on younger patients whose jaws haven’t finished growing – especially those with disproportionate and narrower jaws. 

The use of the RPE device can result in a more balanced facial appearance and reduced crowding since it works to adjust the jaw, thus giving the patient more confidence in their smile.


  • Not visible
  • Corrects improper bite
  • Only worn for short period of time
  • Prevents extensive jaw surgery
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Category: Arch Shape
Arches: U
Materials: Bands, 0.51” wire (0.4” if hook), Jackscrew.
Sizes: 8mm, 9mm, 11mm, 13mm
Initial Price: $75